April 14, the discussion of two dissertations took place...
The training session of the senior staff of the Institute of Geography named af...
April 13, the director of the Institute of geography of ANAS academician Ramiz M...
Preparation for the conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician...
On March 29, a scientific and practical conference was held on the theme “Mounta...
Seminar for students....
Celebrating novruz...
Conference on water...
Women’s day of 8 March was celebrated in the Institute of Geography named after ...
New watering norms...
International day of civil defense...
Meeting of the director with young employees...
Conference on migration policy...
Wishing you success!...
Unity of science and education...
New book has been published...
27th anniversary of the january tragedy...
Annual report of IG...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia