Nakhcivan expedition...
E.Taghiyeva’s trip to Tbilisi...
Publication of articles...
at a meeting on climate changes...
Workshop in Kiev...
Monoqrafiyanın NMR-də müzakirəsi...
Meeting of thed department of es relative to the prizes...
Science workshop, dedicated to the state awards...
Great success!...
Training in Iran...
The "Crystal compass" competition...
Schoolchilden of Тurkan in the İnstitute of geography...
Gardashov's trip to Germany....
Ученые ИГ...
Elmi şuranın iclası...
ARFH atlas of ES...
Novruz bayramı qeyd edildi...
Yasamal YAP sədri ilə görüş...
"Schoolchildren encyclopedia"...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia