Meeting of IG staff with schoolchildren of the school number 176 2017-11-15 14:59:00 / EVENTS

On november13, a meeting was held of the staff of the Institute of Geography with schoolchildren of the school number 176 of  Yasamal district of Baku.

The director of this school, Mahabbat Askerova, and the head of educational part, Arzu Gulamova, thanked for the organization of the meeting, noting their role in the further choice of the profession by schoolchildren and expressed the desire to continue to hold such events.

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the Institute of Geography, PhD in geography Abil Akhverdiyev, spoke about the development of geographic science in this period and the work done in this area.

He noted the importance of mastering this science by the younger generation and invited pupils, amateurs of geography and teachers to the center of science.

Chairwoman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, PhD in geography Samira Alekperova, stressed that this meeting is one of a series of events organized to unite education and science. She spoke about relations with various schools in Baku and holding regular seminars with them under slogan “Let’s study Azerbaijan”.

Senior researcher at the Department of demography and geography of the population, PhD in geography Etibar Badalov made a report “Let’s study Absheron”. He gave extensive information about the nature, cultural and historical monuments, the economy of this region and answered questions of interest of the meeting participants.

Samira Abusheva, deputy chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, researcher of the department of Geomorphology and Natural Risks, spoke on the theme. She gave advice on choosing a profession and wished them success in their studies.