Dissertation Council D 01.091 for the degree of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy operates at the Institute of Geography named  acad. G.A.Aliyeva of ANAS.

Doctor of geographical sciences, associate professor Muhammad Abdu oghlu Abduev is the Chairman of the dissertation council. 

Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor Tapdig Gulakhmad oghlu Hasanov is the Deputy Chairman of the dissertation Council.

PhD on geography, associate professor Zaur Tahir oghlu Imrani is the Scientific secretary of the dissertation council.

From 2007 to 2017, more than 98 specialists defended dissertations in the dissertation council. 12 of them were awarded the degree of Doctor of Geography, and 86 people - Doctor of Philosophy in Geography. 20 persons are citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2 of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 1 of the Republic of Turkey and 1 of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Dissertations in the following specialties are defended in the Dissertation Council:

5401.01 Economic geography - geographical sciences;
5406.01 Hydrology - geographical sciences;


 The composition of the dissertation council:


Name, surname, patronymic       

Academic degree, academic title, specialty code 


Abduev Mahammad Abdu oglu (pres.)  

Doctor of Science, Assoc. 5406.01


Hasanov Tapdyg Gyulahmad oglu (deputy chairman) 

D.sc. in geography, prof. 5401.01


Imrani Zaur Tahir oglu (secret)

PhD, Assoc. prof. 5401.01


Babakhanov Neron Aslan

D.sc. in geography, prof. 5401.01


Eminov Zakir Namin ogly                         

D.sc. in geography, Assoc. prof. 5401.01


Goychayly Shovgi Yusifziya ogly

D.sc. in geography, prof. 5401.01


Imanov Farda Ali ogly

D.sc. in geography, prof. 5406.01


Gurbanzade Agazeynal Ali

D.sc. in geography, prof. 5401.01


Gardashov Rauf Haji ogly

Corresponding Member of ANAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assoc. prof.5406.01


Gashgai Renabaim Mirtagi gizi

Doctor of Science, Assoc. prof.5406.01


Mahmudov Rza Nadir ogly

Doctor of Science, prof. 5406.01


Samedzade Hafiz Iskander ogly  

PhD, Assoc. prof.5406.01