Scientific Council approved a plan of research works...
Reports on Aginohour foothills at scientific workshop...
Extraordinary scientific assembly on the book “Geography of the Turkic world”...
The Eurasian GIS-conference and preparations for the 90th anniversary of B.Budag...
A report on the toponymy of Nakhchivan was made at the Scientific Workshop...
Cartographic landscape metrics and its development at the intersection of differ...
Agil Isayev defended his thesis...
Report on the water balance in the Lake Khojasan in the scientific seminar...
Report at a scientific meeting on the state of tourism in the Astara-Lenkoran zo...
Report of the Chairwoman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists...
A report was made at the scientific workshop on the impact of landslide processe...
A workshop was held in the Direction of Problems of the Caspian Sea...
Report on the study of the Plio-Pleistocene period in the Caspian Sea basin at s...
Doctoral student of the Institute of Geography Latifa Ismayilova defended her th...
A report on the study of demographic processes was made at the scientific worksh...
Scientific meeting of the IG was held on November 15...
November 1, important issues have been discussed at a joint meeting of SC and SW...
Shahnaz Amanova defended her thesis at the session of the Dissertation Council...
Scientific report on the temperature regime of the Caspian Sea at scientific wor...
Information on the recently discovered waterfall is given at the Scientific Coun...
Mirnukh Ismailov gave an interview to AZTV about the consequences of heavy snowfall
Anvar Aliyev gave an interview to Khazar News about the consequences of snow and ice
Amir Aliyev told Space TV about a ghost island in the Caspian Sea