Report on landslides in the scientific Workshops...
A report on the Neolithic period on the Workshop...
Meeting of the Department of problems of the Caspian Sea...
A scientist from Croatia spoke at the workshop on coastal waters...
The scientist-economist made a presentation at the Scientific workshop...
Scottish explorer about Caspian Sea Variability...
Regular workshop covered the geography of the Turkic world...
First Scientific Meeting of the IG after the summer holidays...
Gulnar Hajiyeva defended her thesis...
The report on the theme “Tourism potential of Ganja-Gazakh economic - geographic...
Samira Abushova defended her thesis...
Successful defense of the first IG Master...
Report to the Scientific workshop on the activities of the municipalities...
A report at Scientific workshop on territorial differentiation...
Joint meeting of SW and SC...
Report on the urbanization of the Caspian coast region at the scientific worksho...
The issue of landscape planning in the territory of Khizi was discussed at scien...
Report on combating hail in a scientific seminar...
Heads of departments reported on the forthcoming work...