Alimlərin vladiqafqaz səfəri...
Meeting in the golf federation...
Elmi seminarın iclası...
E.Alizade is in Vladikavkaz...
MM "xəbərdarlıq" məşqi...
Presentation of the three-volume...
Elmi şuranın iclası...
Meeting of the scientific council...
Scıentıfıc conference ın Croatıa...
R,Məmmədov ÇXR-ə dəvət olunub...
Conference devoted to the 70th anniversary...
R.Qardaşov international conferences...
Published in Moscow State University...
Session of the IAAS...
Young scientist trained in Germany...
Elmi şura elmi seminarın birgə iclası...
Moscow conference...
MDU-da məruzələr ediblər...
Şöbələrin birgə iclası...
Bölgə konfransları...
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about global climate change in the program of Public Radio "Jan Azerbaijan"
Rza Makhmudov made a statement on TV1 that the planet Earth is experiencing its hottest period
Said Safarov spoke about the danger of the Caspian Sea drying up on the ITV channel, in the program "Sabaha saxlamayaq"
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about the fight against global climate change on REAL TV