Issues concerning the Insitute of Geography in the regular meeting of the department of Earth Sciences 2017-05-18 16:00:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

    On May 18, at a regular meeting of the Earth Sciences department, the director of the Institute of Geography, academician Ramiz Mammadov informed about the measures arising from the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of March 2, 2016, “On the Edition of the Atlas on Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic. The purpose of publishing the atlas is to ue natural resources efficiently, to protect people, settlements, industrial and agricultural institutions, other infrastrucure facilities, including strategic oil and gas pipelines, communication lines, as well as to resolve issues of developing productive forces.

   The academician reported that the structure headed by him developed 20 atlases. He noted important the meeting of the editorial board members, approved by the President of State for this task.

They were heard speeches of candidates who applied for vacant positions as head of the department at the Institute of Geography.

  Academician Ramiz Mammadov was appointed Head of the Department of Problems of the Caspian Sea Level, Doctor of geographical sciences Zakir Eminov - Head of the Department of Medical geography, corr. Member of ANAS Rauf Gardashov - Head of the Caspian Sea Monitoring department, PhD in geography Shamil Azizov - Head of the department of Geoinformatics and Cartography, PhD in geography Zabit Allahverdiyev - Head of the Hydrometeorology department of the Caspian Sea, associate professor Zaur Imrani - Head of the Department of Tourism and Recreational geography.

  It was also decided to nominate the associate professor, PhD in geography Maharram Hasanov, to the position of Deputy Director for scientific work of the Institute of Geography.

   In addition, a change was made to the composition of the editorial board of the Earth Sciences series of the journal “Izvestiya” of ANAS. Zakir Eminov is elected a new member of the editorial board.