Miocene Epoch Report...
Hydrochemical and hydrometeorological condition of the Gyzylaghaj Bay were disc...
Report on plant growing development at the Scientific Workshop...
Scientific Council...
A report on arid and semi-arid geosystems of Azerbaijan was heard...
Report on the problems of demographic development...
The Scientific council approved the candidacy of academician R. Mammadov...
The psychologist about the creative activity...
The dissertation discussion on surface waters was discussed at the department me...
Another dissertation was discussed...
A report on quality land management was heard...
The first discussion of the dissertation work...
Plan of research works of the IG approved on the academic council...
A report on the properties of mud volcanism was made...
The defense of Sabina Yusifova’s dissertation took place...
Issues of great achievements and attendance were discussed at the Scientific Cou...
The defense of Gulsara Imanova dissertation...
Urbanization issues were discussed at the scientific workshop...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia