Scientific Council 2019-04-17 15:25:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

At the joint meeting of Scientific Council and Workshop of the IG, scientific secretary, PhD Zarnura Hamidova, made a presentation.

First of all, she presented the composition of the specialized Academic Council of 9 members for the thesis defense of undergraduates of the Institute of Geography.

Then, the scientific secretary acquainted the meeting participants with the conditions of the competition announced by UNESCO.

She noted that in order to assess the achievements of an individual, institution, non-governmental Organization working in the field of natural sciences or having merit in improving the quality of human life, UNESCO announced the admission of candidate for the International Equatorial Guinea Award in the field of natural sciences for 2019.

The prize consists of a medal, a diploma and an amount of $350 000, which will be divided between the three winners. Winners will be elected by the Director –General of UNESCO.

Z.Hamidova also reported on the resumption of a cycle of online seminars related to publications in journals on June 15-25. 

She also reported on the workshop of the Dpt of Education of ANAS on the use of academic social networks, the statistics of the articles submitted by the award from scientific institutions of ANAS for 2013-2018.

For full information you can refer to the site: