Report on the ecological condition of the mountain geosystems of the Lesser Cauc...
PhD Nariman Pashayev defended his doctoral dissertation...
Presentation of a new version of the website of the Institute of Geography...
S.Tarikhazer presented a new textbook prepared for printing...
defense of the thesis of Аyten namazova for the degree of phd in geography...
Defense of the thesis of Famil Niftiyev for the degree of PhD was held....
Scientific researcher Elnur Safarov made a report on the theme “Study of the lev...
Young scientists conducted a seminar (CYSS)...
Doctor of geol.-min. sciences Ramida Karamova made a presentation on the main as...
“The White book” of urban development” of Elshad Huseynov, PhD in economics...
April 14, the discussion of two dissertations took place...
Preparation for the conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of academician...
New watering norms...
Report of the russian scientist...
Мeeting of academic council...
Мeeting of CYSS...
Sheki conference...
Meeting of thed department of es relative to the prizes...
Science workshop, dedicated to the state awards...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia