About web-sites functioning...
EŞ ilə ES-in birgə iclası...
Academician showed a master class....
Cİ-nin elmi seminarı...
"Biodiversity in the Ponto-Caspian basin"...
The event of memory of 20 January victims...
Effect of warm atmospheric waves on the human body...
EŞ və ES birgə iclası...
Annual report of the Institute of geography...
EŞ və ES-in növbəti birgə iclası...
Elmi seminarın iclası...
Speech of academician R.Mammadov...
Elmi seminar...
Сongratulations to our Scientists!...
Participation of young scientists at the forum...
The anniversary meeting of the DES...
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about global climate change in the program of Public Radio "Jan Azerbaijan"
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about the fight against global climate change on REAL TV