Scientific workshop on the mud volcano Gushchu...
Meeting with the chairman of the New Azerbaijan Parti of Yasamal District...
IG celebrated the 28th anniversary of the January 20 tragedy...
Scientific Council approved a plan of research works...
Reports on Aginohour foothills at scientific workshop...
A cooperation agreement was signed between the IG and “Azercosmos” OJSC...
Extraordinary scientific assembly on the book “Geography of the Turkic world”...
The Eurasian GIS-conference and preparations for the 90th anniversary of B.Budag...
A report on the toponymy of Nakhchivan was made at the Scientific Workshop...
Cartographic landscape metrics and its development at the intersection of differ...
Elbayi Jalaloghlu: “Ramiz bey”...
Geographer Elbrus Alizade was commemorated...
The results of 2017 are summarized...
The ANAS celebrated the 110th anniversary of academician Hasan Aliyev...
Agil Isayev defended his thesis...
Report on the water balance in the Lake Khojasan in the scientific seminar...
Presentation of the project on the application of GIS in the teaching of the Geo...
Academician Hasan Aliyev was commemorated...
Report at a scientific meeting on the state of tourism in the Astara-Lenkoran zo...
Workshop was held for secondary school №78...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia