First Scientific Meeting of the IG after the summer holidays 2018-09-27 14:00:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

Scientific Council and Scientific Workshop of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev of ANAS resumed work after vacations.

The director, academician Ramiz Mamedov, wished the team succes in the work ahead. Having announced the agenda, he presented to the audience Marian Virbanov, associate prof. of the National Institute of Geography, Geodesy, Geophysics of the AS of Bulgaria, candidate of geographical science. He noted that ANAS is developing cooperation with international organizations and academic structures of various countries.

In the framework of the competition of projects announced for 2018-2020 under joints programs, the common project of the IG of the ANAS and the Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria won: “The current state of the mountain territories of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan) and Pirin (Bulgaria), and the transformation of the environment”.

Then, the Bulgarian scientist, who arrived in Azerbaijan on this occasion, expressed great joy to stay in our country and presented the Institute with a collection of conference material on Sustainable Development of Mountain territories.

He made an extensive report on “Problems of the environment and the state of Pirin Mountain in Bulgaria”.

The scientist made a report on the staff involved in the project, gave a physical and geographic features of the Pirin Mountain, spoke about protected natural territories. He also gave positive information on human impact on the environment and answered questions from the event participants.In conclusion, academician Ramiz Mammadov demonstrated video clips prepared for the exhibition of the Science Festival “Aerospace monitoring of the Caspian Sea” and “Dynamics of the process of desertification in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic”.