Geographers made presentations on demography at the international forum...
Our scientists have studied the effects of climate change in Acinohur...
The geographer gave interesting information about mud volcanoes...
Historical victory of Azerbaijan: a year has passed since the beginning of the P...
Methods for detecting the spread of radioactive waste have been investigated...
Employees of the Institute of Geography spoke at an educational seminar...
Our geographers were awarded the certificate of the Caucasus Summer School...
Geographer interviewed about global warming...
The entrance exam for doctoral studies was held at the GI...
Research at the IG continues in chamber and laboratory conditions...
Scientist of the Institute of Geography made a speech at the All-Russian confere...
Geographers analyze soil degradation process...
Scientist of IG warns: "Our planet may be in great danger"...
Director of IS AS RUz appealed on the issue of publishing articles...
The teacher dedicated a poem to the memory of his student-scientist...
Geography Institute staff visited the grave of M. Hasanov...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia