The geographer spoke at the international congress in Turkey...
Geographic scientist is optimistic about the reduction of the Caspian Sea...
An article by an employee of the institute was published in the journal of Mosco...
Corresponding member of ANAS met with Zagatala youth...
The scientist gave an interview about the increase in drowning in the Caspian...
On Real TV, the climatologist spoke about the drought...
The climatologist shared his thoughts on the level of the Caspian Sea...
The scientist of IG gave an interview to ITV on the occasion of Caspian Sea Day...
Geographer- climatologist clarified the tornado incident...
Geographers made a presentation on agroecology at a conference in China...
Scientist geographer was awarded the Golden breast medal...
Geographers scientists visited the Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia