A meeting of geographers with schoolchildren of the village of Surakhani took place 2023-01-15 17:14:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

DSc Zakir Eminov, General Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Ph.D in Geography and Senior Researcher of the Department of Demography and Population, Etibar Badalov, took part in the reporting meeting of the "Small Academy" in the complete secondary school No. 101 of the Yeni Surakhany settlement of Baku city.

The event was also attended by Dadash Babazade, a representative of the Baku City Education Department of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the director of secondary school No. 89.

The head of the institution, Z. Eminov, acquainted the participants of the event with the activities of the institute, the directions of its research, famous scientists, important publications, geographical problems, etc. According to him, regular meetings with student and teaching staff at the institute or schools have long become a tradition, and such meetings increase the interest of teenagers in science and play an important role in choosing their future profession.

Then the talented students of the "Little Academy" performed with the program "Skill is a sign of intelligence." Students made presentations on the topics "Environmentally friendly source of energy", "Use of alternative energy sources in Azerbaijan", "Influence of synthetic detergents on the environment and the human body." The pupils who performed the dance program showed their skills.

In conclusion, the director of the school, Sitara Abbasova, presented a letter of thanks from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the active participants of the "Little Academy", and also thanked the leadership of the institute for participating in the event.