Our geographers took part in the international conference on the study of geoparks 2022-12-20 16:01:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

On December 9-11, 2022, the employees of our Institute: Leading Researcher, Ph.D., Assoc. E.D. Karimova, Head of the Department "Geography of Tourism and Recreation", Ph.D. Assoc. Z.T. Imrani and senior researcher Natavan Jafarova took part in the International Conference in Giessen (Germany).

  The conference was held at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen and was organized by the department of geography of this university. The conference was dedicated to the topic "Multilateral Scientific Cooperation on Geopark Research in the Southern Caucasus - Analysis of socio-ecological Potentials for Development in peripheral Regions". The event was also attended by Georgian geographers and geologists.

The meeting discussed the principles of organizing geoparks in the region, the tasks and emerging problems, as well as issues of cooperation and attracting specialists.

The Faculty of Geography of the University of Giessen organized an excursion to the Westerwald-Lahn-Taunus National Geopark as part of an acquaintance with the experience of creating geoparks in Germany.

The geopark is distinguished by the variety of local minerals. From prehistoric times until recently, raw materials have been mined and processed here. Both natural landscapes and man-made forms resulting from the development of the mining industry are clearly visible in the region.