Scientists-geographers took part in the event dedicated to the Absheron lakes 2023-02-22 14:27:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

February 21, General Director of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Science in geography Zakir Eminov, Executive Director of the Institute, Ph.D., Assoc. Zaur Imrani and Head of the Department, Doctor of Science in geography, Prof. Rza Mahmudov participated in the event of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on the topic: "What is the fate of the Absheron lakes?".
Nazim Makhmudov, head of the Caspian Integrated Environmental Monitoring Department, presented a report on the environmental situation of 9 lakes of the Absheron Peninsula (Lakes Beyukshor, Zikh, Khojasen, Gu, Gyrmyzy, Lokbatan, Binagadi, Zabrat and Bulbula). The report carried out a chemical and microbiological analysis of water samples taken from the lakes, and stated that the amount of ammonium ions, synthetic surfactants, petroleum hydrocarbons and pathogenic bacteria in the water is many times higher than the norm. The participants of the
event shared their views on the reclamation of lakes, cleaning them from waste, returning them to their original state, as well as using them for tourism purposes.