The newspaper "Respublika" published an article dedicated to Acad. B. Budagov 2022-02-23 16:06:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Today's issue of the newspaper "Respublika" published an article by the Director General of the Institute of Geography named after аcad H.A.Aliyev, Doctor of Geography Zakir Eminov and Ph.D. Habil Haqverdiyev, the head of the Department of History of Geographical Thought.

In an article dedicated to the memory of Budag Budagov, a prominent public figure, a great teacher, research scientist, academician, one of the founders of geography, it is noted that in recent years the Institute of Geography has successfully continued to work in the fields. The basis of the scientific-methodical and practical significance of these areas of research in Azerbaijan was developed by academicians Hasan Aliyev and Budag Budagov.

The article highlights the multifaceted activities and rich scientific work of B. Budagov, covering various areas of geography, geomorphology, landscape science, tectonics, paleogeomorphology, toponymy, etc. His valuable contribution to science as the author of a number of important works and maps written by a patriotic scientist is also noted.