The annual report of the Institute of Geography...
Desertification centers identified in Azerbaijan...
IG employees participated in a climate seminar...
Activity of Public Relations Departments is improved in ANAS...
Institute employee at the inauguration of the laboratory...
Signed a Cooperation Agreement with St. Petersburg University...
Memorandum of cooperation signed with the University of Germany...
Our representative will take part in ecosystem assessment event...
Researcher at conferences giving reports on urbanization issues...
Institute employee Zabit Allahverdiyev died...
IG employee made a presentation at Moscow State University...
IG employees participated in the International Mountain Forum...
Designed software to determine the direction of the solar panel...
Geomorphologist conducted research in Siyazan-Khizi district...
Deputy Director goes to Beijing...
Employees of the Institute of Geography took part in the “Geographical Dictation...
Geomorphologists returned from expedition to Guba...
GIS training finished at the Institute of Geography...
Researcher returned from a business trip to Voronej...
Departments annual reports...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia