A meeting with the head of the IG was held at the gymnasium 2022-03-11 18:17:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

A meeting was held at the Republican Humanitarian Gymnasium named after S.K.Peshavari with the General Director of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.A.Aliyev, Doctor of Geographical Sciences Zakir Eminov.

The event was organized in the direction to associate science and education. It was attended by Dr. Etibar Badalov.

The meeting was dedicated to the geography of Karabakh within the framework of the Year of Shusha. Talented pupils made presentations on the geography of Karabakh and the liberated regions. Then the pupils observed a video film dedicated to the scientific activities of the director of the institute, Zakir Eminov.

Zakir Eminov told the students about the activities of the Institute of Geography, numerous geography textbooks published by scientists of the Institute for secondary schools and written by him, etc. The prospects for cooperation between the gymnasium and scientific institutions were discussed at the meeting. Z. Eminov made proposals on the formation of research skills among pupils, the use of the institute's capabilities, and presented valuable books to the library of the gymnasium. The scientist answered many questions.