The discussion of the dissertation work of Masud Almammadli...
The defense of Ilham’s dissertation took place...
IG employees visited secondary scool in Surakhani...
First meeting of the public association “Water use professionalss”...
The report on Zayamchay Basin...
Report on the study of landscape-ecological conditions was heard...
Practical lessons on the ArcGIS program...
Studies have been conducted in Jeyranchel low mountains...
Participation in the “Geographic dictation”...
The employees of IG at the event of GCF...
Report on the mapping of Azerbaijani lands at scientific workshop...
Report on landslides in the scientific Workshops...
A report on the Neolithic period on the Workshop...
Soil erosion issues discussed in Tbilisi...
International day of Girls...
Meeting of the Department of problems of the Caspian Sea...
Employees of the IG visited a sick retired colleague...
A scientist from Croatia spoke at the workshop on coastal waters...
Conducted a class on Civil Defense...
The scientist-economist made a presentation at the Scientific workshop...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia