An event dedicated to the "Year of Nizami" was held at the Institute o...
An article by a young geographer published in a prestigious journal...
A presentation-exhibition dedicated to our glorious victory was opened in NANA...
IS employees attended the 90th anniversary of Alashraf Mammadov...
The scientist clarified border disputes between the two countries...
The geographer spoke at an international conference about the precipitation regi...
The geographer awarded an international certificate...
An employee of the Institute of Geography met with schoolchildren...
Geographer gave an interview about Gubadly...
A new book dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician A.Mammadov has been ...
The first book on the hydrochemical properties of mountain rivers is published...
V. Bandaliev's dissertation work was discussed...
IG scientist analyzed geo-political processes during the First and Second Patrio...
Congratulation of the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev to the staff...
Our employee gave a geographical analysis of solpugs (phalanxes)...
Iranian specialists start training in GIS...
The dissertation of M. Mamedov was discussed...
The atlas of Azerbaijani kahriz is prepared...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia