The geographer took part in the second student scientific conference...
Regular meeting of the CYSS was devoted to Wikipedia...
R.Aliyeva's dissertation work was discussed at the scientific seminar...
Members of the Mini Academy visited the Institute of Geography...
Rena Akhmedova's dissertation moved to the next stage...
Sevil Guliyeva's dissertation was admitted to the next stage...
The book with the geographer's article was published for the third time...
A. Eminova defended her master's thesis...
Geographers visited the Gabala Archaeological Center as part of the "Year o...
An event dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Nureddin Karamov was held...
The geographer took part in the International Agricultural Congress...
A monograph on the impact of climate change on health has been published...
Geographer gave an interview about water resources...
The dissertation of Khayat Shakilieva is admitted to defense...
The geographer took part in the International Forum “Khazar-2022…”...
Geographers conducted landscape-ecological studies in the Okhchuchay river basin...
The dissertation work of Mina Bagirova was discussed...
The geographer gave an interview to ARB 24 TV channel about the landslide...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia