IG hosted training for civil defense units 2022-11-23 14:23:00 / EVENTS

In accordance with the annual action plan of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the “Prevention” and “Assembly” exercises were held with the civil defense units of the institution on the topic “Organization of the management of civil defense forces in emergency situations”.

The purpose of the exercises is to prevent emergencies, increase the experience of personal rules of conduct for personnel in the event of an incident, receive signals "Get together" and "Warning", improve skills, and train readiness.

Namazali Mustafayev, head of the civil defense headquarters of the institute, brought to the attention of the participants of the event the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Defense" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Ensuring Civil Defense". In the event of dangerous situations, the Institute recommended the leadership of the civil defense units to act in accordance with the civil defense plan and informed them about the ongoing work to eliminate dangerous situations that would arise.

Emphasizing the recent increase in fires, N. Mustafayev gave instructions on how to get out of the situation with minimal casualties and losses and the rules of conduct, and noted the importance of actions according to the warning scheme and management rules for fire suppression, recalled the consequences of accidents. Speaking about general instructions, the chief of staff explained the ways out of situations that arise during emergencies.

Speaking on the topic, the chairman of the trade union organization of the institute, Ph.D. Abil Akhverdiyev, heads of departments, Doctor of Economics Said Safarov and Museib Yunusov, head of the personnel department Rasul Ismayilov, said that every citizen should be vigilant at home and at work, and should be ready to intervene promptly in suspicious situations so that unpleasant situations do not arise. They also noted that it would be appropriate to install video surveillance cameras inside the institute.

During the exercise, short videos were shown demonstrating fire safety rules.