The 80th anniversary of the scientist Sayyaf Khalilov was celebrated...
Nariman Pashayev received the degree of Doctor of science...
The term of the contract with scientific workers has been prolonged...
The book "Essays on Geomorphology" was published...
Heads of departments reported on the forthcoming work...
Report on the assessment of landscape-ecological potential at workshop...
The Institute of Geography pleased children deprived of parental care...
Goodwill visit...
The holiday Novrus have been celebrated in the IG...
Ilaha Guliyeva defended her thesis...
A report on the movement of electric vehicles on solar batteries...
The Day of 8 March was celebrated at IG...
A lecture was read to students on landslides at Bayilov...
Defense of the thesis on the topic “Prospects of tourism development in Lenkoran...
World Civil Defense Day was celebrated...
New publication...
First volume of the “Geography of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was publi...
A report on the landscape at Bayilovo was made at the Scientific Workshop of the...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia