The young scientist returned from the Netherlands with a certificate...
Zamina Babayeva defended her dissertation work...
The anniversary of the tragedy was celebrated at the Institute of Geography...
BSU students have an internship at the Institute of Geography...
The newspaper "Respublika" published an article dedicated to Acad. B. ...
Scientific work of Jeyhun Gasimov admitted to a new stage...
The IG employee attends National Park Day event...
Geographers do not expect an improvement in the situation on the Kura River...
Employees of IG shared their impressions of their visit to Shusha...
A scientist of the Institute of Geography have been a guest of GunAz TV...
Elnara Ismailova defended her thesis in the DC...
Scientist - geographer spoke about the economic and geographical assessment of f...
The geographer took part in the risk assessment event...
General Director Zakir Eminov turns 55...
V. Bandaliev defended his thesis...
IG Scientist Gets Hirsch Index...
The ceremony of awarding the winners of Wikipedia project “Thematic month”...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia