IG employees took part in municipal elections as observers...
The geographer's article was published in the prestigious journal "Reports&...
The "Explanatory Dictionary of Geographical Terms and Concepts" has be...
Geographer exchanged views on hydrometeorological data...
The Earth Sciences Department of ANAS reported on its activities in 2024...
The conference materials of the Institute of Geography have been published...
Geographer talks about the impact of climate on human health...
Discussion of the dissertation work of Nofal Artunov took place...
A collection of articles of the III Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geogr...
Climate scientist: the increase in average annual temperature in Azerbaijan is c...
The IG employee gaved an interview to Real TV about Wikipedia...
The Institute of Geography honored the memory of the martyrs of January 20...
Beyimkhanim Huseynova defended her dissertation...
IG staff participated in the presentation of the Small Academy...
The Institute of Geography held exams in specialized subjects...
Geographer presented a report on the results of COP29...
Chairman of the Tu criticized the separatist activities of Armenians in the Sout...
A meeting of geographers with schoolchildren of Sabail district took place...
The report of the Institute of Geography for 2024 was held...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror com...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia