Women’s day of 8 March was celebrated in the Institute of Geography named after ...
International day of civil defense...
Meeting of the director with young employees...
Unity of science and education...
In halic congress center...
Report meeting of the trade union...
GIS exhibition in Istanbul...
Аctivity on civil defense...
“Water for life”...
Returned with certificates...
Scientists returned from Ganja...
E.Taghiyeva’s trip to Tbilisi...
Publication of articles...
at a meeting on climate changes...
Workshop in Kiev...
Training in Iran...
Schoolchilden of Тurkan in the İnstitute of geography...
Novruz bayramı qeyd edildi...
Yasamal YAP sədri ilə görüş...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia