at a meeting on climate changes 2016-06-30 13:33:00 / EVENTS

23-24 June, Jamila Akhmedova, research fellow of the department of Climatology and agro-climatology of the Institute of Geography named acad. H.A.Aliyev of ANAS, was in Germany to attend the fifth meeting of the working group on the impact of climate change on health, organized in Bonn by the Regional Office of the World Health Organization.

At this annually held meeting have been discussed issues of human exposure to climate change, their most fully reflection in the National Adaptation Plans prepared by countries, introduction of health issues in the definitions of national priorities and strategies under the Paris Agreement.  

Also was considered the issue of climate change within the framework of sustainable development and the mechanism of fulfilment of obligations on public health.

Along with the representatives of Finland, Germany, Serbia, Norway, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, the Netherlands and other countries, Jamila Akhmedova gave extensive information about the work carried out in Azerbaijan in this field, and responded to questions.