The textbook "Applied Hydrometeorology" has been published...
The book “Tourist and Recreational Potential of Karabakh” has been published...
The "Explanatory Dictionary of Geographical Terms and Concepts" has be...
The conference materials of the Institute of Geography have been published...
A collection of articles of the III Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geogr...
The book "Physical Geography of Azerbaijan" was published in Moscow....
A new book about the properties of agrolandscapes has been published...
The book "Fundamentals of Medical Geography" has been published...
A new publication of GI published on demographic issues...
New Atlas of the Institute of Geography published...
The second volume of the second part of the book "Gardens of Travel" h...
The monograph “Study of Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations” was published...
The book “Quests, Truths and Possibilities” has been published...
The work of H.Z. Shirvani " Travel gardens " was published...
“Catalog of landslide events in Azerbaijan” published in Moscow...
The last volume of the three-volume “Geography and Ethnicity of the Turkic World...
A book on the geo-ecological context of Azerbaijan has been published...
The book “Gobustan: geomorphological conditions and resources” has been publishe...
The book "Karabakh: reflections and thoughts" was published...
A new book of the Institute of Geography...
Mirnukh Ismailov gave an interview to AZTV about the consequences of heavy snowfall
Anvar Aliyev gave an interview to Khazar News about the consequences of snow and ice
Amir Aliyev told Space TV about a ghost island in the Caspian Sea