The book “Quests, Truths and Possibilities” has been published 2024-06-14 13:12:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The book “Quests, Truths and Probabilities” has been published by Doctor of Philosophy in Geology and Mineralogy, Associate Professor Rashid Fataliev, leading researcher at the Department of Paleogeography at the Institute of Geography named after Acad. H.A. Aliyev Ministry of Science and Education.

The scientific editor of the book is the General Director of the Institute, Professor Zakir Eminov, the reviewers are the heads of departments, Professor Rza Mahmudov and Associate Professor Nariman Pashayev.

The book of 7 chapters is the author’s third monograph. The first and second chapters are about global warming, the Caspian Sea, geological problems, the third, fourth and fifth chapters are the environment, history and natural monuments, natural phenomena, toponyms, the sixth chapter tells the coronavirus that has worried the whole world. In recent years, its emergence and spread, albeit superficial, has been devoted to an analysis of its causes. The book ends with the chapter “Literary and Artistic Thought.” In this chapter, the author has tried to explain the mysterious world between life, environment and life through poetic analogies.

The book is intended for a wide readership.