Yelena Taghiyeva on business trip in Italy...
polşada regional konfrans...
Meeting on impacts of climate changes...
International conference in Beijing...
pekinə ezam olundu...
beynəlxalq əlaqələr genişlənir...
New memorandum...
Veteran’s board has been renewed...
tələbələr pirquluda...
Conference in Almaty...
Elmi seminar and jubilee...
Gənc alimlər şurasinin yiğincaği...
Elmi seminar...
IX Congress of the Geographical Society of Azerbaijan...
Dissertasiya şurası...
Elmi Şurası ilə Disertasiya Şurası...
Şöbənin birgə iclası...
Director has been confirmed...
Meeting of youth organizations...
wiki-qrupun ilk iclası...
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about global climate change in the program of Public Radio "Jan Azerbaijan"
Rza Makhmudov made a statement on TV1 that the planet Earth is experiencing its hottest period
Said Safarov spoke about the danger of the Caspian Sea drying up on the ITV channel, in the program "Sabaha saxlamayaq"
Hasan Nabiyev spoke about the fight against global climate change on REAL TV