Cadastre problems 2016-03-07 22:13:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

At the academic council of IG named after Hasan Aliyev of ANAS has been discussed response of leading organization about the dissertation work of Elvin Aliyev, employee of the National Aerospace Agency, for the degree of PhD on geography on the theme “Problems of cadaster management of immovables on the basis of remote sensing data and technology of geographic information.

The author has reached a number of scientific advances in the study of the current state of cadastre, extensively using topographic maps and a variety of aerospace information with high precision images and LIDAR data.

It concerns the development of a new model of a unified cadastre systems, the definition of active areas in the database of immovables, drafting cadastral plans based on ALS and GIS and the development of methods of “operational definition of flooded and damaged immovables” using GIS technology.

The Director of the IG, acad. Ramiz Mammadov, believe maintaining immovables cadaster one of the priorities of public policy issues, emphasized the importance of theoretical and practical importance of the developed techniques and suggestions given in the research work for the system of immovable management and troubleshooting in the field of cadaster. At the same time, he drew attention to the major role that can play the results in a rational and operational organization of town planning, planning large-scale technical installations and housing settlements, including the communication network in a short time and at low cost.