International Conference “GIS Eurasia-2018” started its work...
Project launched...
The employee of IG participated in training on biodiversity management...
Presentation of the project in Yevlakh...
Employee IG became winner of the competition...
Our scientists conducted photo tests from a drone during the expedition...
Gulnar Hajiyeva defended her thesis...
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the armed forces...
Employees of IG took 4 and 8 places in the month, dedicated to ADR...
The report on the theme “Tourism potential of Ganja-Gazakh economic - geographic...
..."Behind every line is hard work, and sometimes sleepless nights"...
Samira Abushova defended her thesis...
Successful defense of the first IG Master...
Report to the Scientific workshop on the activities of the municipalities...
The employee of the IG spoke at the first workshop of the Green Climate fund...
The head of IG Wikigroup of ANAS took part in the “Spring Wikicamp”...
CYSS held an event for schoolchildren...
A report at Scientific workshop on territorial differentiation...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia