The Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan was published...
Сonference materials on Human Geography published...
The second volume of “Geography and Ethnos of the Turkic World”...
New book on demography of South region...
A new book about water balance...
The first volume of the book “Geography of the Turkic world and ethnic groups”...
The second volume of the “Geography of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was publ...
New publication on the territorial organization of livestock...
The book about natural disasters was printed...
Collection of conferences materials on land management was published...
"General geography book" has been published...
New publication about the nature of Azerbaijan...
The Khan of the Caspian Sea or an academician life spectrum...
A new book on climate change...
A new book on the territorial organization of road transport has been published...
The book "Essays on Geomorphology" was published...
New publication...
First volume of the “Geography of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” was publi...
A new book “The role of academician B.A.Budagov in the development of Geographic...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia