The Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan was published 2020-02-07 17:52:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

The Atlas of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been published under the scientific editorship of Academician Ramiz Mammadov with the joint cooperation of various scientific organizations and specialists. The atlas is published by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the State Agency for Geodesy and Cartography.

The scientific and informational cartographic publication provides information on the political and administrative structure, history, nature, flora, fauna, economy, culture and tourism of the country.

The systematic collection of cards consists of 18 sections. It is carried out according to the overall program, on a common basis. Atlas includes 260 maps of the republic and regions of various contents and scale.

At the beginning of each section there is an introduction. To increase information content, they are equipped with tables, graphs and charts.

The work is intended for scientific and educational institution, as well as a wide readership.