A new book on the territorial organization of road transport has been published 2018-04-18 14:06:00 / NEW PUBLICATIONS

A new book of the Institute of Geography “Territorial organization of road transport and quality control of road construction” has been published. The authors of the book are Zaur Imrani, head of the department of Turism and Recreational geography, and other geographers: Sh.H. Hasanov, K.Aliyev, J.A. Jamalov. The book is prepared for publication by the decision of the Scientific Council of IG.

The work studies the geographical position of Azerbaijan, its natural condition, the design of new highways according to international standards, taking into acount the caracteristics of the relief, as well as issues of quality of roads during their construction. In addition, a classification of soils has been carried out and detailed information was given on laboratory tests.

The book is intended for students and masters of the faculties of economic and social geography and highways and building materials, scientists and specialists in this fields, as well as wide readership.