The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the IG took place...
Turana Huseynova defended her dissertation...
Discussion of the dissertation work of Nofal Artunov took place...
Beyimkhanim Huseynova defended her dissertation...
The annual report of the Department of Demography and Population was heard...
Dissertation of Nuriya Abdullayeva discussed at a joint meeting of departments...
Aygun Bashirova's dissertation was discussed at a department meeting...
Mirmahmud Guliyev's dissertation was discussed...
Scientific seminar dedicated to the life and work of M.A. Rasulzade...
The thesis of Mina Bagirowa under discussion...
Turana Guseynova's dissertation was discussed...
A report on the influence of the Volga River on the Caspian Sea was heard at a s...
Beimkhanim Huseynova's dissertation was discussed...
Arzu Khasmammadova’s dissertation was discussed at a joint meeting of department...
Rena Akhmedova’s dissertation was discussed at a joint meeting of departments...
Lala Huseynova's dissertation work discussed at a meeting of departments...
The dissertation work of Mina Bagirova was discussed at a joint meeting of depar...
Geographers took part in the discussion held in Ganja...
The specialty exams were passed successfully...
The certification of doctoral students and dissertators took place at the Instit...
Geographical scientist is an active participant of the film about eco-terror committed by Armenia