The meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography was held 2025-03-05 15:54:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

The meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geography named after acad. H. Aliyev of the MSEAR was held. The chairman of the meeting, acting director general of the Institute, PhD, associate professor Zaur Imrani familiarized the members of the council with the agenda. The meeting discussed the issues of electing the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS), reviewing documents for accreditation, the composition of the Academic Council, appointing the head of the department of demography and geography of the population, business trips and expeditions of employees and other issues.

Following the discussions, by the decision of the Council, Nazim Gerayly, junior research fellow of the department of geoinformatics and cartography, was appointed chairman of CYSS.

The Academic Council of the Institute included leading research fellow, in Geography Sevil Guliyeva, DSc. in geography, Senior Researcher DSc. in geography Stara Tarikhazar, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists Nazim Gerayli and General Manager Hamdulla Aliyev.

Member of the Academic Council, Leading Researcher at the Department of Demography and Geography of Population Etibar Badalov was approved as the acting head of this department.