A report on the properties of mud volcanism was made...
The defense of Sabina Yusifova’s dissertation took place...
Issues of great achievements and attendance were discussed at the Scientific Cou...
The defense of Gulsara Imanova dissertation...
Urbanization issues were discussed at the scientific workshop...
The discussion of the dissertation work of Masud Almammadli...
The defense of Ilham’s dissertation took place...
First meeting of the public association “Water use professionalss”...
The report on Zayamchay Basin...
Report on the study of landscape-ecological conditions was heard...
Report on the mapping of Azerbaijani lands at scientific workshop...
Report on landslides in the scientific Workshops...
A report on the Neolithic period on the Workshop...
Meeting of the Department of problems of the Caspian Sea...
A scientist from Croatia spoke at the workshop on coastal waters...
The scientist-economist made a presentation at the Scientific workshop...
Scottish explorer about Caspian Sea Variability...
Regular workshop covered the geography of the Turkic world...
First Scientific Meeting of the IG after the summer holidays...
Mirnukh Ismailov gave an interview to AZTV about the consequences of heavy snowfall
Anvar Aliyev gave an interview to Khazar News about the consequences of snow and ice
Amir Aliyev told Space TV about a ghost island in the Caspian Sea