A new book “The role of academician B.A.Budagov in the development of Geographic...
The next XX volume of AGS and IG was published...
A new edition of the IG is devoted to the Kura-Araz lowland...
The new book entitled “Landscape planning: essence and application” of the acade...
A new book was published by the Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliye...
new publication...
New book has been published...
“On the path of independence 25”...
Daha bir yeni kitab...
Monograph of H.Tahirova...
New books...
"Schoolchildren encyclopedia"...
Published in Moscow State University...
Presentation ceremonie of the journal...
“Hydrometeorological atlas of the Caspian sea”...
"Azərbaycanın coğrafiyaçı alimləri"...
“İstinad nöqtəsi” kitabının təqdimatı...
Mirnukh Ismailov gave an interview to AZTV about the consequences of heavy snowfall
Anvar Aliyev gave an interview to Khazar News about the consequences of snow and ice
Amir Aliyev told Space TV about a ghost island in the Caspian Sea