Kazakhstani colleagues honored the memory of academician R. Mammadov 2021-06-08 14:09:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

With deep sadness, the staff of the Kazakhstan Institute of Geography and Water Security received the news of the death of Mammadov Ramiz Mahmud oglu, academician of ANAS, laureate of the State Prize of Azerbaijan, a prominent geographer, hydrologist, well-known specialist on the problems of the Caspian Sea, director of the Institute of Geography named after acad. Hasan Aliyev.

Kazakh geographers knew academician R.M. Mammadov as a famous outstanding scientist, talented organizer of Azerbaijani geography. The study of the natural and economic systems of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea has earned him great respect among colleagues and opponents. Since we know about his many years of exploration of the Caspian Sea, we, Kazakhs, jokingly, but quite rightly, called him “Khazar-Ramiz Mamedov”.

For us, Ramiz muellim was an example of service to science. His attitude towards Kazakhstan and our institute has always been sincere and kind. Ramiz Makhmudovich has always supported our young scientists. For the staff of our institute and for me personally, each meeting with him was a bright and memorable event.

We express our deepest condolences to his wife Khasiyat, daughter Natavan, relatives and friends, as well as to the staff of the Institute of Geography, which has been headed by Ramiz Makhmudovich since 2012.

The bright face of Ramiz Mahmud oglu will forever remain in the hearts of scientists and geographers of Kazakhstan.

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Safety",


Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan A. Medeu.