Professor Amir Aliyev is 70 years old 2020-02-21 13:08:00 / JUBILEES

Head of the Department of Geomorphology of the bottom and coast of the Caspian Sea at Institute of Geography, D.Sc. in geography, prof. Amir Aliyev turned 70 years old.

Graduated from faculty of Physics of BSU in 1972, he was assigned to work at IG of ANAS. Since then, his life was connected with the Caspian Sea.

In 1981 Fmir Aliyev defended his dissertation work on the theme “Study of turbulent processes in the atmospheric layer above the sea surface”. For many years, the scientists worked in various enterprises on modern problems of the Caspian Sea.

His doctoral dissertation on the “Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations and their impact on the coastal strip”, which he defended in 2004, enriched our scientific and theoretical acquisitions.

He is the author of hundreds of scientific articles and several monographs.

The director of the institute congratulated Amir Aliyev on his 70th birhtday and the 45th anniversary of his scientific and pedagogical activity and wished him longevity, good health and succes in scientific work.