Council of young scientists and specialists 2015-04-14 18:01:00 / SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLIES

A meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists was held in the Institute of Geography.  PhD in Geography Samira Alakbarova, chairman of the Council noted the relevance and importance of promoting and increasing of interest in science of doctoral candidates, masters of the Institute of Geography, as well as bachelors and graduate students in the Geography department at universities.

At the same time, during the meeting has been discussed the day of “open door” to identify talented young people at the higher and secondary educational institutions, at research institutes, to determine promising pupils, students and masters, to increase their knowledge of foreign languages, as well as to assist them in the choice of their future career.   

The ways of solving of organizational problems have been analyzed to increase the interest of young researcher to computer technology, to give to young specialists the information about map compilation in modern GIS environment and space images decryption. 

At the meeting, the action plan of the Council for 2015 was also discussed.

The managerial staff of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, consisting of 11 members, has been defined.

Chairman: PhD Alakbarova Samira Oqtay; deputies–Amanov Rauf  Rizvan and Qasimov Zaur Aydin; members–PhD Imrani Zaur Tahir, PhD Agakishiyeva Gunesh Rafiq, PhD Djafarova Natavan Ramiz, Hajiyeva Gulnar Nuru, Abushova Samira Nasib, Huseynova Hadijaxanum Teymur, Ismayilova Gulnar Rasul, Aslanova Aida Ramiz.