Scientist-geographer: Global warming is also manifested in the territory of Azerbaijan 2024-01-10 15:03:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Global warming and related modern climate changes areone of the most important problems worrying humanity in our time. According to the latest, sixth report of the UN Intergovernmental Group of Experts on climate change, published on August 9 in Geneva, the annual average global The Earth's temperature has increased by 1.10 degrees compared to 1850-1900.  Based on numerous studies conducted in leading scientific centers world, it is concluded that the main cause of global warming is a constant increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause greenhouse effect emitted into the atmosphere as a result of industrial and human economic activity. This was announced by Doctor of Geographical Sciences Said Safarov, the head of the geography department of the Institute named after academician Hasan Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education.

 The country's water resources are declining due to increased demand for water as a consequence of rising temperatures and decreasing precipitation. Due to the fact that warming will accelerate in the coming decades, it is likely that the above-mentioned negative manifestations in Azerbaijan will worsen.