IG celebrated the 33rd anniversary of the January 20 tragedy 2023-01-18 12:04:00 / EVENTS

The 33rd anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was celebrated at the Institute of Geography named after Academician H. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Participants honored the memory of the victims of the tragedy with a minute of silence and watched video clip "Black January-33", prepared by the Department of International Relations and public relations.

Director General of the Institute, c.e.d. Zakir Eminov speaking about the events of January 1990, assessed them as a military aggression against Azerbaijan and its people, and emphasized that the unprecedented massacre committed by the former Soviet army against the civilian population in Baku was a terrible act of terrorism against humanity. It was stated that the in-depth study and investigation of these events is an important issue. The tragedy of January 20 should never be forgotten, it should be passed on to future generations as the bloody page of history. The people of Azerbaijan have repeatedly faced injustices and have given martyrs. But he did not bend, he did not perish, he managed to draw conclusions from the lessons of history. As a result of the 44-day war, the Azerbaijani people liberated the native lands land from the clutches of the enemy.