Preschoolers visited the Institute of Geography 2023-02-02 16:25:00 / EVENTS

Children, teachers and parents of the kindergarten "Ana Mekteb, Ecole Maternelle" of the educational complex No. 132-134 of Baku visited the Institute of Geography named after academician G. Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event, organized on a joint initiative of the Organization of Institute and Kindergarten Staff, was aimed at awakening interest in geography among preschoolers and getting to know people who are engaged in science.

The children were met by members of the Council of Young Scientists and Experts in the lobby of the National Academy of Sciences and got acquainted with the stands displayed in the corridors of the Institute. Scientific secretary PhD Zarnura Gamidova and Aida Aslanova, an employee of the Department of International Relations and Public Relations, told the children about the work of the institute's scientists in a language they understood.

Then the event continued in the assembly hall. The children watched a 3D animated video about the creation of day and night, the change of seasons and the planet Earth. Chairman of the PC, Ph.D. Abil Hagverdiyev and the chairman of the Women's Council Luiza Salaeva talked about the topic: "What is geography and what does science give a person?". H.Agverdiyev donated books for the kindergarten library to the representative of the school, Rena Agabalaeva. She expressed gratitude to the leadership of the institute on behalf of her team for such a warm welcome.