Articles of geographers were published in the book "Iravan as it is" 2022-11-17 12:43:00 / IMPORTANT EVENTS

Articles by scientists of the Institute of Geography named after Academician H.Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan were published in the recently published book “Iravan as it is: from past to present”.

The article "Historical and demographic features of the development of the city of Iravan" in the chapter "Policy of ethnic cleansing by Armenians and the Armenian state in relation to the Azerbaijani population of Iravan" was written by the General Director of the Institute, Doctor of Economics Zakir Eminov. The article by the Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Mirnukh Ismayilov entitled "Geographical position and natural conditions of the city of Irevan" is in Chapter I of the book devoted to the geography of the city of Yerevan. The article "Toponymy of Irevan and its environs on the geographical maps of Tsarist Russia" by the head of the department, associate professor Shamil Azizov is placed in the chapter "Toponymy and epigraphic monuments of the city of Irevan". 

The articles once again prove with convincing facts that the Iravan region is historically the ancient lands of Azerbaijan, where Muslims and Azerbaijanis have lived since ancient times.